I am so over loaded with thoughts today not even sure where to begin this blog do I keep it simple or do I just let it flow
I am gonna just let it flow so fasten your belts and hold on......
This day started out with nothing planned Mr. Man had to work. I had every intention to clean the house Military style. Notice that I said that I had every intention. It did not pan out that way with it being a holiday weekend I just could not stay at home. Even with the thought of all three kids and me being by myself I just had to go to the beach.
The big kids have been a few times with Mr .Man while I had the luck of working (I know you can sense the sarcasm in my voice). This was the first time that Akasha will be going she 23 months old so the thought of watching the older kids while keeping a even close eye on baby was a little troubling.
BUT...... To my surprise we made out just fine the big kids were not happy when it was time to go so I bribed them with McDonald's they fall for that every time.
Baby girl was less than thrilled with the beach she did not like the sand for sure.
Once home it was nap time for all OK just Akasha. Oh how I love my QUITE TIME!!!!! Pause
Well that was short lived Babies up and Mr. Man is home......
Sister/Sister, part 1
6 years ago