This is not a blog for most just you tired over worked mommies out there. It seems that there is never enough time in the day or enough of me to go around and today has been no exception to that.
I am one of the many moms out there that work a full 40 with a small commute, only to start my second job that last for 16 hrs. The weekends are another story there is no down time.
I am a bit OCD about my house being clean and admit that I bring it on myself but I do have what most would consider to be help.... HAHAHAHA do you hear the sarcasm YEP I do
So this has been my Sunday.....
Hubby did the 3 dishes that were in the sink to be done carried the laundry baskets down to the basement and oh yeah that was he contributions thus far and its 8pm so I am gonna say he is done. Here is what has transpired since